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Audit and Assurance Service

Our auditing services are equipped with advanced techniques and creative approach in auditing for better financial 6t administrative controls. The core of any successful and visionary financial management setup is to employ advanced techniques and creative approach in auditing for more efficient operation, stronger financial structure and improved system controls.

Our assurance services add efficiency and profitability to organization by providing credibility financial statements, professional advices to management, and expedient solutions to improve the systems Et performance. Our international audit approach with latest methods would maximize audit efficiency, enables timely delivery and value added advisory services to our clients. The Firm evaluates all the potential new audit and assurance service clients and the value created.

MSSV Et Co has a significant audit and assurance practice and is one of the reputed accounting firms besides being one of the oldest Indian accounting firms in Bangalore being founded in 1981. The firm performs Tax Audits under the Income Tax Act and undertakes Review Engagements for assurance clients, especially those listed companies, which are required to have their quarterly-yearly results subjected to a limited review.

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